Felted Teddy Bear
-I have used bernat felting yarn (100% wool) to begin to knit my first teddy bear. I am more proficient at crochet, so this was a project to re-learn knitting as well before attempting my next project- a pair of shorties for Z. The bear so far is a heard, arms, body, and legs, stuffed. I still have to do the ears and nose, and embroider on facial features. Anyhow, after he's done I will list him for sale on Etsy.
-The next project I have going on is the recycling of several wool sweaters into longies and shorties (diaper covers). Wool is waterproof if lanolized and it does not smell like urine after using it a few times, so you only have to wash wool diaper covers once every two weeks or so. Anyhow, it is more natural than using plastic pants. SO I have made two pairs of longies and two shorties out of an old 100% merino wool sweater. I have one more sweater that I am still felting and cutting up that will be next in line, and the first four items are still drying after I lanolized them.
-My next project is refurbishment of 12 all in one diapers I got used online. I only paid shipping on them since the elastic and inner fabric was shot. So I am taking them apart (I love my seam ripper), cutting new fabric for the inner from soft turquoise fabric, then adding new elastic and stitching them back up. This is taking a while because 1) I don't get that much sewing time and 2) My sewing machine is in bad need of a tune up. My needles keep breaking and I think it is because there is something out of alignment and my needle is hitting the plate.
-Another project that I'm working on is making some diaper covers out of a bunch of fleece I got from the remnant bin at wal mart. This is fun and fast! I have already done two. Here is a picture of one of them- the other is a pair of longies.

I have lots of wonderful yarn that I got on sale at Joannes that I need to make into something, and I also got some beautiful alpaca yarm from my mom for christmas thet I am still trying to figure out what to do with. I love it an it's so soft, I want to make sure to use it for just the right project. I have done a little research and found that alpaca yarn is more "drapey" than wool, so it should be something that doesn't require stiff structure. Maybe that slouchy hat I wanted to make a while ago. Hmmm....